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Get to Know Us

Who are we?

The Tulsa Newcomers Club is a group of women living in the greater Tulsa Area. We are interested in organizing various events and activities that build community, foster friendships, and enhance the quality of our lives.

What do we do?

We have monthly luncheon programs and a variety of interest groups in which members may participate. These activities include food and wine events, a variety of game days, visits to areas of culture in our area, hiking, and more.

Who is eligible to join?

We welcome all women from the greater Tulsa Area. You may be new to town, retired, or ready for new friendships and activities. Members may stay in our group for as long as they wish and can join at any time.

How does it work?

Annual membership provides access to TNC events. Our online Wild Apricot calendar overviews the monthly activities and events.Members can register, pay, and manage their activities and membership online. The online account also provides a directory of our members with the ability to map directions to events. 

Annual membership is $35.  The first year’s application is $47 and includes a name tag.

Are you interested in learning more?

Please contact our membership chair at

There is something for everyone at Tulsa Newcomers Club!

Copyright Tulsa Newcomers Club

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